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Black Show Hair Blog

Best Tips For Dying Your Mink Brazilian Hair Extension

by Blackshowhair vendor 24 Dec 2018 0 comments
Best Tips For Dying Your Mink Brazilian Hair Extension

Color is In!

With unicorn hair color on the rise, we understand why you’re looking to put a bit more oomph into your hair color! Going to a hair salon or having a professional dyeing your mink Brazilian hair can get pricey and may take longer than you have the patience for. Dying your mink Brazilian hair extensions at home will alleviate all of those problems, and we are here to help you!

Keep in mind that mink Brazilian hair extensions are the best type of weave for dyeing your hair. These extensions have not been chemically processed in any way, so they can be dyed without causing any damage to your mink extensions.

While it is best to avoid overly harsh hair chemicals, your mink extensions can be lightened or darkened. Remember quality over quantity. Purchase top of the line hair extensions, coloring products, lightening products, and styling products for the best results. Ready to start coloring some hair, let’s get started!

Before You Start

Before you run to the store and grab the nearest lavender box color, there are a few things you’ll need to consider when dyeing your mink hair extensions.

Do not use more than 20 volume peroxide. Yeah, I know the higher the developer, the quicker the lifting process goes, however, hair extensions are drier than our own locs.

Use a cream based dye; it is much gentler to use on hair extensions.

Always perform a strand test before dyeing your mink Brazilian hair extensions. To do this, mix some dye, and apply it to a small portion of your hair extensions. Once the dye has developed, you can see if the dye is the right shade and determine whether you want to proceed to use the dye on the remainder of your hair extensions.

Get Your Supplies

First and foremost you will need to buy all your supplies from the salon or hair store. You should avoid purchasing box color from the drugstore; many pigments may alter the color you would like to achieve. Here are the supplies you will need:

  • A mixing bowl

  • Tint brush

  • Hair dye

  • Developer

  • Lightener (If you need to lift the extensions first)

  • Gloves

  • Hairdressing foil

  • Shampoo

  • Leave in conditioner

  • Styling products

ready to dying hair extension

Steps To Dying Your Mink Brazilian Extensions

Wash Your Mink Hair to Remove Product Residue

Before you start to color your Brazilian mink hair make sure your extensions are clean and free of product buildup. Wash them gently with shampoo and lukewarm water, then use a towel to dry off excess water. Do not rub the hair extensions, take your towel and stroke your hair from top to bottom. Leave the hair slightly damp before dyeing it. This will cause the hair cuticle to open, speeding up the dying process.

If your mink extensions are new, skip the washing process. Just spray it with some clean water to dampen the strands.

Getting Ready to Dye Your Hair

Lay the extensions out on a sheet of hairdressing foil.

Spread the damp strands, so none of the hair is bunched up. Use a sheet that's large enough to leave some extra foil on the sides, which you will use to wrap around the hair later.

Dyeing Your Mink Extensions Darker

  1. Mix the hair color and developer according to the instructions. Use a plastic mixing bowl and applicator brush to stir the ingredients together.

  2. Using the applicator brush saturate the mink Brazilian hair extensions with dye. Paint the dye onto the hair beginning at the top, working your way down. Move the brush up and down and side to side to ensure complete saturation of every strand.

  3. Cover the hair with the access foil and let it develop. This will keep the dye from drying out while it develops. Generally, depositing a dye takes about 25 minutes to develop. Be sure to follow the instructions.

  4. While the color processes, check on the hair every 5 minutes or so until it reaches the shade you want.

  5. Rinse away the hair dye thoroughly with warm water. In a sink or bathtub, rinse the dye out of your hair extensions. Run your fingers through the hair and massage out the accessed color out. Continue rinsing the water through the hair until it runs clean.

  6. Lightly towel dry and lay the weave on an old towel to air-dry. Your hair extensions may still contain a bit of excess water.

  7. Lay the extensions out to air dry thoroughly. Once the hair is completely dry, you can style and wear them as wanted!

Bleaching Your Brazilian Hair Extensions Lighter

  1. Mix 2 scoops of bleach powder with 2 scoops of the developer in a bowl. Use the scoops that came with the bleach powder to measure out each ingredient.

  2. Combine and mix your bleach and cream developer in a plastic bowl with a brush applicator until they’re thoroughly combined.

    • Your cream developer will activate the bleach.

    • Adjust the amounts depending on how much hair you want to dye. Be sure to keep the ratio - 1:1.

    • Check directions on bleach powder to see required strength of cream developer.

  3. Use an applicator brush to saturate your hair with the mixture.

  4. Hold down the mink hair with one hand and apply the bleach with the other. Moving the brush up and down, and side to side to thoroughly coat each strand.

  5. Wrap the foil around the hair and allow it to sit for 15 minutes.

  6. Fold the sides of foil and cover the top with a second sheet if you need to.

  7. Check the hair color progressions every 5 minutes to see the progress.

  8. Wash out the bleach and towel dry your hair extensions. Once your hair reaches the desired color, remove it from the foil and wash it out with shampoo and warm water.

  9. If hair is brassy, apply a toner. Your local hair specialist will know what to give you.

  10. Rinse hair thoroughly rubbing finger throughout to ensure are chemicals are removed.

  11. Towel dry and lay them out to air dry thoroughly before styling and wearing.

Coloring Your Hair Extensions A Brighter Color

  1. Bleach your mink extensions before applying the bright colored dye.

  2. Mix and dye the developer according to the colors instructions.

  3. Start applying the color dye 1 inch (2.5 cm) above the bleached section. Applying the color a little higher than before will create a natural gradient, blending more naturally.

  4. Cover your mink extensions with plastic wrap and allow processing for 30 minutes.

  5. Shampoo and rinse out the dye until the water runs clean.

  6. Soak your hair extensions in a deep conditioning treatment for 15 minutes. This is an important step, replenishing the moisture in your mink Brazilian hair extensions in your hair after using harsh chemicals bleaching and dying your hair extensions.

  7. Rinse out the conditioner and towel dry your extensions.

Don’t Like The Hair Color, Change It

Whether you’re looking to amp it up or tone it down, coloring you mink hair extensions should not be a hassle. Coloring your hair extensions is a straightforward process. With little to no experience adhering to protocol and following the instruction will ensure your dye job at home looks professional, give it a try!

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