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Black Show Hair Blog

Wholesale Virgin Hair: Getting Started with Creating Your Virgin Hair Company

by Blackshowhair vendor 09 Jan 2019 0 comments
Wholesale Virgin Hair: Getting Started with Creating Your Virgin Hair Company

Starting your own virgin hair company is an exciting endeavor. Also, it can be a challenging one. Knowing what steps to take and how to pull it off successfully saves you plenty of money and headaches. Fortunately, you came to the right place.

Today we are going to discuss getting started building your virgin hair company. Utilizing a wholesale virgin hair supplier - you can create a successful business that offers you scalability and a flexible lifestyle. Ultimately, you are limited only by your own imagination and drive to succeed. With the right players in place - you can take your business as far as you like.

Why Start a Wholesale Virgin Hair Retail Business?

Before we get into the finer details, let’s review what brought you here in the first place. The wigs and virgin hair industry is displaying impressive growth in the United States. Additionally, the primary target audiences are those using wigs for aesthetic enhancements and those with medical conditions causing hair loss.

The economy is showing impressive gains within the last 5 years. Furthermore, the hairpiece industry displays that its growth correlates the economy’s performance and disposable income. As a result, Americans’ disposable income is increasing - which means that more people are buying virgin hair. Also, the last 5 years have shown impressive growth in the wig and hairpiece industry. According to recent reports, the industry is growing at an average rate of 2.4% each year, with last year’s total annual revenue at just under 350 million dollars.

Ultimately, the wig and hairpiece industry provides impressive opportunities for hopeful business owners. Given the digitally-connected world we live in, starting your business from your own home via a computer or tablet is very possible.

Finding a Wholesale Virgin Hair Supplier

Firstly, finding a wholesale virgin hair supplier is your top priority. Your supplier is not only a vendor but a partner in your success. Hence, choosing your partners carefully paves the way to your growth.

As a retail business owner, serving your customers and gaining market share requires excellent customer service. The intangibles matter here; things like responding to customer inquiries rapidly, greeting customers in a friendly manner, and keeping your promises.


Aside from the intangibles, there is the tangible product the customer purchases itself. Most importantly, the quality of your products matter - a poor quality product can easily ruin your business. Hence, finding a supplier with quality products is important here. You want to sell products that your customers can get excited about - so that they can spread their word about your impressive products.

Ultimately, if you’re not selling a quality product - your days are numbered. Operating in the digital era creates a hyper-competitive business environment where virtually anybody can develop their own business and go after your share of the market.


Simply put, any business must turn a profit to keep its doors open. Hence, analyzing your wholesale virgin hair supplier’s pricing is important to maintaining profitability. By choosing a reliable supplier with reasonable prices, set your own prices competitively to attract customers.


Thriving in your business requires contracting with a wholesale virgin hair supplier that you can rely on. Your supplier should deliver consistent quality products in a timely manner. Customers don’t like to wait - so the last thing you want to have happen is to be ‘out of stock’ when they are ready to purchase.

Furthermore, inconsistency in supply is very off-putting to a customer and causes them to seek more reliable options. Ultimately, your wholesale virgin hair supplier is an extension of your business - ensure that you choose your partners wisely.

Utilizing the Power of the Web - Build a Website

Build a Hair Website Online

According to the United States Census Bureau, more than two-thirds of Americans have access to the Internet on their mobile devices. Additionally, that’s not including home networks and computers, laptops, etc. Basically, the Internet provides a very effective gateway to reach a massive audience to promote your lace wigs, Mink Brazilian hair bundles, and more.

Designing an interesting website and consistently updating it with engaging content is a great way to promote your products and services while building brand loyalty. Ultimately, investing potentially hundreds of dollars to make thousands in sales through your website creates an attractive business proposition to anybody.

Optimizing Your Virgin Hair Retail Website

After building and designing a website that represents your business, optimizing it for search engines and spreading the word about the site helps to drive traffic. A gorgeous website, with meaningful content does you no good without an audience to view it. Hence, ensuring that your website’s keyword strategy and content aligns with your audience’s suggested searching habits makes it possible to drive potential buyers to your site.

Keep Them Coming Back

After establishing an audience with an optimized website, your goal is keeping them coming back for more! Every visit to your website presents another opportunity to close a sale. Hence, creating content that your audience is interested in is worth the effort.

Content like articles and videos, or a hair care blog is a great way to increasing repeat visitors. Additionally, consider adding content that explains how they can maintain their products or tutorials on how to pull off new looks using your products. Giving your audience valuable content keeps them interested and builds loyalty to your brand. Ultimately, the more value you provide them...the more likely they are to spend money with you.

Email Marketing

Visiting many websites today results in requests to input your email so you can stay in touch. Actually, this is the basis of email marketing. This tool presents a very effective way of driving traffic to your site and building your repeat business.

Email marketing works by delivering content straight into your audience’s inbox. Furthermore, it works by increasing brand awareness and reminding your customers that you haven't forgotten them. Even more so, it reminds them that you have something of value to offer them. Sharing your customers’ success stories, transformations, and tutorials create fun and exciting strategies for linking back to your website. What starts as simply reading an email can end in another purchase!

Social media

Social media

Social media presents another effective method of spreading the word about your hair pieces and other products. Additionally, most business profiles are free to create. According to reports by Statista, an impressive 77% of Americans have a social media account. As a result, taking advantage of a free social media profile to reach potentially hundreds of millions of prospects out there is a no-brainer.

Engaging your audience on social media allows them to share, like, or comment on your content so that it reaches other people. Your next customer might be one who has some questions they need to ask about the products first. Hence, spending time responding to questions and comments on your social media page shows your prospects that you care about providing solid customer service. Also, social media profiles can either act as a standalone shop or link back to your website’s shop to drive sales.

After the Sale: Nurturing Customer Relationships

Similar to how your wholesale virgin hair supplier should establish and nurture a relationship with you, your customers want you to make them feel special. Showing effort by reaching out to them even after the sale builds brand loyalty and ensures that they are having a positive experience while buying from you.

Followups after each sale help your business improve. Actually, they provide you with an opportunity to collect valuable feedback after each transaction. Customers help by providing feedback on your products which helps you in analyzing your wholesale virgin hair supplier’s performance.

Hence, if you are hearing repeat complaints from multiple customers, you may have an issue on your hands that required addressing. As a result, by continuing communication, you are facilitating the improvement of your business.

Summing It Up

In the end, the wholesale virgin hair supplier you choose makes a major impact on your business and your reputation. By choosing a reliable supplier that offers quality products, you are positioning yourself to offer products that customers get excited about. Ultimately, the goal is to give your customers something positive to talk about on your business listings, social media pages, and web page.

Today’s hyper-competitive digital environment makes it possible for your customers to visit a hundred online stores from their mobile device. Hence, spending time focusing on even small details like follow-ups and responding quickly position you above the pack.

The businesses that offer quality products at competitive prices while offering exceptional customer service will thrive. Those who cannot provide enough value will come and go. Play your cards right and you will be leaving the competition behind. Thanks for reading, and good luck in your business ventures!

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